About Us
Andes Precision
Cultivador nacional con vasta experiencia en el mundo de las extracciones con hidrocarburos, ha competido, viajado y dejado en alto el trabajo hecho en Chile.
Diseñador Industrial de profesión, fundador y CEO de Andes Precision empresa nacional dedicada a la fabricación de equipos para extracciones con solventes, en la cual también se ofrecen asesorías, servicio técnico y cursos de capacitación continua.
Un apasionado de la planta con mucho que entregar
Carol Mafra
Actress, cannabis influencer, grower, hashmaker. She got into cannabis by creating digital content and welcoming medicinal patients to import CBD-based products. Started her studies on the Medical Cannabis extension course at the Federal University of São Paulo, followed by Cultivation, Extraction and Formulation, Hashtour Masterclass, Inflore, among others. Is responsible for Expomanas, an event for women hempentrepreneurs, and represents the Wax Plug Academy in Brazil
Andy Gori
Jorge Sanchez
Hello and thank you for taking interest in Wax Plug Academy. I go by Wax Plug, and I am an extraction technician. I have been working in the oil industry for over 7 years and have had the opportunity to work in various roles and locations.
I started my career experimenting on my own time and using what information was available to me. After a few years I was able to advance in the space and cofounded a company named Chem Tek. Through Chem Tek I was able to fuel my imagination and advance further in the extraction space thanks to having the ability to design products and test them myself. It was a challenging job, but it taught me the basics of chemistry, thermodynamics, and much more.
After a few more years, I decided to begin Wax Plug Academy to help others advance their skills and to push the industry forward as a whole. This was a new challenge for me as I was now responsible for the entire extraction process, from designing systems to refining and post processing.
Throughout my career, I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience in the extraction space. I have also had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of people and learn from some of the best in the business. I am proud of the work I have done and the contributions I have made to the industry.
My work is not only challenging but also fulfilling, knowing that I am a part of the innovation that powers the extraction economy. I am looking forward to continuing my career in the oil extraction industry and seeing where it takes me next.
Gorila Lab
Cultivador peruano con más de 10 años de experiencia en cannabis recreativo y medicinal.